Now that you've spent the money to develop a great web site, you need to tell people about it, and that means search engine ranking. As many as 60% of all searches take place in Google alone. InfoGizmo helps your site's ranking in Google and the other top search engines. We also provide your webmaster with our proven Web Promotion white paper with 29 ways to build traffic. Getting well ranked in Google for a variety of keywords isn't easy. You could spend months researching search engines. We've done that for you. We also provide a boost to your site's link popularity - something that requires extra domains. InfoGizmo is your extra domain. We work with you to build a detailed, keyword rich entry - a web page, on our site. This page links back to your site and helps build link popularity, which is one of Google's top ranking factors. If your customers find the InfoGizmo entry, they will probably find enough information there to generate contacts and sales. However, the InfoGizmo entry isn't glitzy (it's mostly text), so we put the link to your site right at the top of the entry. Customers might read the InfoGizmo entry, but realistically, they'll either pick up the phone, or click thru to your site. Your phone number and address are both prominent on your InfoGizmo entry (if you wish). These factors, along with some other more technical aspects related to how search engines index sites help expand your business. Contact us about pricing. You never have to pay again, and we won't delete your entry. Other promotional services make you pay again and again and again. Not InfoGizmo. We're also always rolling out new features. Some of those will cost extra, but we won't pressure you to upgrade. The Web has become an everyday part of our lives. Make it easy for your customers (new and old) to find your site and your business. Use our handy contact form, and we'll fill you in on all the details.
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